Monday, 21 January 2013

The Problems with TOO MUCH

The trick to feeding the world into the future will not be to PRODUCE more food, but to actually produce the same (it could even be less) and DISTRIBUTE the food further and to more people!  There was a good talk on Ideas on CBC Radio, titled Feeding 10 Billion, by Raj Patel.  Here it is:

CBC Ideas in the Afternoon: Feeding 10 Billion-Raj Patel

A revision on the history of the Green Revolution, which was actually an unRed Revolution, meant to combat Communism around the world, with American (gov't and corporate) backed coupes in countries at risk of going Red.  Like many of the Banana Republics put in place to increase American influence for corporate and national interests.  Interesting what you find out when you dig into history and behind the big headlines to find the real stories and facts on the ground, rather than just a single viewpoint, our viewpoint!

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